The all-in-one solution for the fleet’s management

Constructed as a tool for acquiring machinery data offsite, the BTSAM offers you basic facilities with remote monitoring and asset management.The BTSAM is a fleet management application; a cost effective, track-and-trace option for managing and monitoring project machinery remotely. Gathering reports from your entire fleet, the BTSAM application interprets easy data, giving you concise information to boost overall efficiency and reduce project costs.


As a power tool, the BT Device will transfer data from any sensor installed on machinery, to the company BTWEB. The received data at the company BTWEB will be analysed and compared to the custom set parameters of each individual machine; this will allow fleet and project managers to make informed decisions while eliminating inaccuracies and labour intensive regimens.

The parameters of the data of individual sensors can be monitored for sampling and transmission without acting directly on the device. Two models are available.

The BT1xx can be installed to any kind and brand of model machinery equipped with a CanBus connection and the BT2xx for machinery lacking such connection.


  • Organises machinery for families to analyse homogeneous parameters
  • Allows the parametric levels of sensors and alarms to be individually customisable and monitored for any kind and brand of machinery
  • Monitors machinery by project (essential for cost control and responsibility management)
  • Manages the area where assets are allowed to move and traces those actions; geo-fencing
  • Generates reports with aggregation levels customised for the recipient (whether directional, operational, and/or coordination)
  • Manages personal alarms by generating alerts and thresholds upon tolerances
  • Manages collective alarms, allowing you to create customised conditions for sensory alerts (ie. engine speed and water temperature combinations)
  • Permissions are set upon the user (ie. company, sensors, portal functionality, etc.)
  • Remotely update firmware and transfer configuration
  • Allows manage maintenance of machinery even if not equipped with the BT-Device
  • Simple and easy, the BT-SAM runs on an instinctual interface, designed so that it doesnt interfere with anything less than the ideal situation.